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GMADA comes up with land pooling scheme for industry in Mohali

gmada land pooling scheme

GMADA comes up with land pooling scheme for industry in Mohali
So far, land pooling schemes were offered only for residential projects. Under the industrial scheme, an owner whose 8-kanal land will be acquired for a project will get an 1,100 square yards developed industrial site and a 200 square yards developed SCO site
In a first, the Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA) has come up with a land pooling scheme for industrial zones under its ambit to promote industry in the city. The file has been sent to the Punjab cabinet for the final approval, which is expected in June.

The industrial zones in Mohali under GMADA are in Sectors 83, 84 and 103. So far, land pooling schemes were offered only for residential projects. Under the industrial scheme, an owner whose 8-kanal land will be acquired for a project will get an 1,100 square yards developed industrial site and a 200 square yards developed SCO site.

For 4-kanal land acquisition, a land owner will get a 550 square yards commercial residential site and a 100 square yard SCO site. The sites will be excluding the parking area.

“Our motive is to promote industry in the region and make land owners our business partners. The file has been sent to the Punjab cabinet,” GMADA chief administrator Tanu Kashyap said.

Yogesh Sagar, president of the Mohali Industries Association (MIA), said this scheme will definitely promote the industry in the region. But GMADA should also come up with concessional pricing for the existing industry, he said.

Recently, GMADA had also increased compensation for land owners opting for its land pooling scheme for various residential projects. Instead of 121 square yards, the authority will now offer the land owners a commercial plot of 200 square yards.


In January this year, giving relief to industrialists operating in focal points of Mohali, the Punjab Small Industries Export Corporation Limited (PSIEC) had allowed commercial use of industrial plots in the state. There are around 2,000 units operating in Phases 7, 8 and 9 focal points.

As per the notification, 30% of the plot area can be used for commercial activities, which means the owners can open showrooms, retail outlets and other commercial units. Earlier, only 10% of the plot area was allowed to be used for commercial activities.

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Industries to come up over 500 acres in Mohali’s Sector 101
GMADA begins process to acquire land in Manuli and Durali villages under new land pooling policy for industrial development
The department has started the process to get approvals under Section 4 (publication of preliminary notification and powers of officers thereupon) of the Land Acquisition Act, which will be done within a week’s time, said the official, adding that the entire process will be completed by March next year.(Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Industries to come up over 500 acres in Mohali’s Sector 101
GMADA begins process to acquire land in Manuli and Durali villages under new land pooling policy for industrial development
Hindustan Times, Chandigarh | By Hillary Victor, Mohali
UPDATED ON NOV 01, 2020 10:53 PM IST
GMADA begins process to acquire land in Manuli and Durali villages under new land pooling policy for industrial development

After the Punjab cabinet gave its nod to a new land pooling policy for industrial development, Greater Mohali Area Development Authority (GMADA) has begun the process to acquire 500 acres of land in Sector 101.

“We have started the process of acquiring the land from two villages – Manuli and Durali – of Mohali district to develop industrial plots of 550 square yards and 1,100 square yards,” said asenior GMADA official, who wished not to be named.

The department has started the process to get approvals under Section 4 (publication of preliminary notification and powers of officers thereupon) of the Land Acquisition Act, which will be done within a week’s time, said the official, adding that the entire process will be completed by March next year

Earlier, land pooling was limited to residential housing schemes. On July 22, the state government introduced the new policy, wherein against every acre of land, the owner will get 1,100 square yards of industrial plots and 200 square yards of developed commercial plot, excluding parking, in lieu of cash compensation.

As per the new policy, the validity of the sahuliyat certificate, through which owners opting for land pooling can avail themselves of certain benefits during the purchase of equivalent value of land, would be counted from the date of allotment of plot.

Earlier, the validity was two years from the date of announcement of the award. The certificate entitles a land owner to get exemption from stamp duty besides other benefits and privileges when he purchases agricultural land with the sale proceeds from the developed plots that he gets under land pooling.

The move is in response to the demand of land owners that the validity be applied from the date that they are offered physical possession of plots, on the grounds that only when basic infrastructure is laid does a plot fetch its potential value.

Yogesh Sagar, president, Mohali Industries Association, said the new land pooling scheme will promote industrial sector in the region. “But besides giving industrial plots to land owners under the scheme, GMADA should come up with a concessional price for the existing industry,” he said.

GMADA has acquired 4, 484 acres of land from 2001 to 2017. Of this, 2, 145 acres has been acquired through the land pooling policy, which was introduced in 2008 and amended from time to time. The authority is currently facing the risk of paying enhanced compensation of nearly ₹9, 700 crore as per the decisions of the first reference appeal in the courts.

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